Thursday, August 13, 2009

SAFE!!! STILL no-one is reading my thoughts -- WHEW!!:)

Oh my FUGGIN GAWD, my forearm HURTS!!!!!!!!!! No, Dear Non-Readers, NOT from jacking off (though, I must admit, it probably SHOULD have that reason!) -- NO, Methinks in ALL sincerity, from The Love Of My World, PERFORMING!!! I KNOW you don't care, but here it is --- I have for years banged upon a fully-weighted 88-key 'board .. while THAT was in the shop, I took to playing a 'board with the same "guts," but physically I would have to liken it to the CHEAPEST 'board you could buy at K-Mart! Now, the IDEA was to have to use it for a few weeks ... a "few weeks" turned into THREE FUCKING MONTHS!!! SO .. as ELATED as I am to have my "real" 'board back, the PHYSICAL difference finally caught up with me tonight --- and I can barely hold a fifth of Cuervo in my right hand (my BANG IT FUCKING OUT!!!!! hand) without cringing!! As if I don't have ENOUGH pains to deal with!

Speaking of which, OMFG, last night! I have NO clue why, but I spent the better part of the Wee Hours writhing on the floor, YELLING out that I was NOT ready to DIE!!!! In other words, I had NO more than "usual" the number of shots @ the bar ... wasn't even REMOTELY drunk as I drove home ... downed a SMALL amount of Cuervo (for ME) when I DID get home, did NOT consume some large nor nasty amount of foodage on top of it -- BUT, before the crack of 2:30AM --- WAY early for me --- I was trying to find SOME way for the heart-hurt to stop HURTING, my pulse RACING, the chest pains INCREDIBLE, NO lying/sitting/standing position comfortable at the LEAST!!!! Thank GOODNESS for my puppy, because he kept coming up to me on the floor and giving me succor! If not for him, who knows? BUT, here I am, "I'M STILL STANDING!!!!!!" Well, sitting and not falling off the chair, so that's close enough! AND, as I am SO often wont to do --- I have "repeated the experiment" this night ... and I am just HAPPILY FUBAR:)!!!!!!!!

Does that make me a bad drunk/person? LOL! Ciao!

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