Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day One, July 29, 2009, 2:30 AM

Holy SHIT!!! I THINK I've found the key to expression for MY uses --- write with a PSEUDONYM!! DUH! As long as I don't use my REAL name, chickenshit that I am, I won't feel compelled the next day to DELETE what I have written! KUDOS, BMC! You were RIGHT --- "FEAR of success"!!!

Now, tonight, I am VERY buzzed (which will probably be a relatively constant "theme" in these writings over time -- I am a "high-functioning Alcoholic," which just basically means, I do NOT wake up and pour myself a beer; but, by the same token, I disparage ANY night, be I working or not, where there is not available a plethora of Cuervo ... yet, 90% of the time, I still do NOT get to the point where I'm performing GREAT because Jose "tells" me so! Understand?), but I DO have enough wits about me to NOT try and write a "real" post NOW. Not only because I am wasted, but also because I am SO elated to have found this OUTLET for my words (I hope!)--- in other words, I don't want to "spoil" the FIRST post with "vowel movements";)! BUT, being as obstinant as I am, I will leave you with this ...

"DAMN, I am SO pissed off that I have been busting my broke ass for (at least, in regards to THIS function) NO recompense -- AND had to bear the CRITICISMS about it from those who put MUCH less effort into it all!"

More, I HOPE, soon! If I don't lose my log-in onfo ...LOL!:)

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