Thursday, August 6, 2009


OK, fuck the "Post #whatever" thing --- it won't draw a search, it's boring, and (most importantly) I will NOT be able to keep up! SO, I will NOW title my posts with something "provocative";)! SO, along with the title of THIS post --- OMFG, what a WEEK I'm having!

I know noone's actually READING this, but I shall write as if folks WERE, 'K? Now, you get I'm a musician? You get that is what I consider my "LIFE'S WORK"? If not, go to the next blog about this gossip or that nice picture --- if SO, bear with me ... because, WHAT A WEEK I'M HAVING!!! ROFL!!!;)

SUNDAY (8/2), I did a duo thing with my BESTEST friend (I "should" use that Internet thang, "BFF," meaning NOW "Best Friend Forever" -- but I am from the "archives" when "BFF" meant "Best Female Friend," so I have issues about using it here;)!) in the heat of a Florida afternoon --- and I LOVED it, we ROCKED ... moving on ....

MONDAY (8/3) my "trio/band" got a call to do an "emergency fill-in gig" for a group whose member had an accident that made them unable to perform. SWEET!!! (Do NOT call me a mercenary! -- He was HURT, but he's OK!) $100 on a night I NORMALLY make $0!!! BUT, add to that, we normally play the NEXT night (read: NO TEAR DOWN AFTER!!! WOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOO rare these days!) Beyond THAT, I FINALLY got to put into play my FAVE keyboard I have been doing without for the last 3 months!!! I was ROCKIN!!!!!!!!!!!! And LOVING the gig (even though my cohorts were playing "schoolyard games" that annoyed the FUCK out of me!)!

TUESDAY (8/4) -- more of the same (re: the excitement I was feeling getting my TRUE 'board back, but also, no childish "in-fighting" ... well, at least until the BAR TAB came up, which is ALWAYS [sadly!] an issue!). BUT, it was put in MY hands, and I dealt with it with no lessening of my performance-related HIGH!!!!!!!

WEDNESDAY (8/5) --- standard "once-a-week 'house-gig'" --- "let's dress up for our 'side-project' and ROCK THE HOUSE!!!!!" And we DID --- and I felt EVERY song (perhaps it was about being in costume -- but, hey, either/or -- let's just GO with it !!) to my bones/soul (and probably a few MUSCLES that haven't been taxed for QUITE a while;) ... LOL!).

GOOD FUGGIN' GAWD --- I LOVE Performing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ciao!

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