Sunday, October 25, 2009

A NEW dichotomy!

WHOA, HO, Faithless Non-Readers! You think I gave this UP?!?! FUCK no! I've just been apathetic and uninterested AND VERY time-constrained (well, as far as MY world goes), so "blogging to the absent masses" has fallen by the wayside. BUT, Saturday, October 24, Two Thousand Nine, put a new SHINY wrench into my works (btw, THIS is why, even though it's on the WAY downside, I will NEVER off myself --- 'cuz ya' just NEVER know what's gonna happen next, so why PURPOSELY miss it? In my book, ANY new experience is a GOOD experience! Even if it tears your fucking HEART out! WOOHOO!) Anyway, here's the thing:

I "followed" the Love Of My Life (LOML, for those who just have NOT kept up!) to her Hometown of Roscoe, IL .. yes, against ALL better instincts --- but, HEY .. LOVE will FIND A WAY, right? (btw, NO!). For those less knowledgeable (or, better stated, less give-a-SHIT-able!), Roscoe is a VERY small Burg just north of a Wannabe Burg named Rockford, itself just well less than 2 hours East of Chicago. ONE of its Claims To Fame is that it is the birthplace/growing-up place of the Internationally Known and Revered (OH -- just THAT close to being inducted into the R'n'R Hall Of Fame!!!) band, Cheap Trick. Oh, YES, --- ALL the members of Cheap Trick went to the same or near schools that the LOML went to! In FACT, the LOML's "childhood Home" was SOLD to Cheap Trick Guitarist Rick Neilsen! But, blah-blah .. ya' wanna know a Cheap Trick history, go to Wiki! Here's MY boggle!

While living (and dying) in The Greater Rockford Area, I "met" Robin Zander's BEAUTIFUL and I mean, BEAUTIFUL, TALENTED Daughter, Holland. I casually happened to be in the same ROOM with Rick Neilsen from time to time, since he lived in Rockford and would just happen to come out to the same clubs I happened to in-frequent. I played BRIEFLY in a band who, on the side and before I joined, did an EXCELLENT "Endorsed By Cheap Trick" Cheap Trick tribute band ... blah blah.

I have unsuccessfully applied to a NUMBER of part-time job offerings over the past few months. I AM the proverbial "Broke-Ass Musician." Since I am a "Legacy" (having worked there 2 previous Seasons, much to their Delight) at my Local Toys 'R' Us, I again joined their workforce just yesterday. And ON that FIRST Refresher Day, who should come to my register BUT The Great Robin Zander and his Wife?!?!?!?!!!!!!! LOWEST DAY OF MY PROFESSIONAL LIFE --- I have "met" Robin in passing in the past, I have conversed with his Daughter about songs she wrote concerning her emotional tumult re: being the offspring of an International Always-AWAY Rock Star -- the first time I have to "casually chat" with this Rock icon, I am servicing him as a cashier at Toys 'R' Us!! I have to SAY, "I'm a Musician -- I know your Daughter --- love her stuff!" .... slither, slither, slither, grovel, grovel, grovel, supplicate, supplicate, supplicate. I AM WORM POOP, though a VERY Talented Musician for over 20 YEARS, Motherfucker!!!! THEN, the "curve ball"!!!! Was it commiseration ... was it, "yeah, nice to hear you know my Dear Daughter, but here's REAL problems"?!?!? Now, Robin Zander was VERY polite and seemingly down-to-earth, ESPECIALLY for a Rock GOD! What did he throw out after us discussing how "times are hard for musicians," my only reference point the fact that I'm having to ring up his wife's toy sales because the BAND business isn't paying the bills? With a breath and a pregnant pause (just for REFERENCE sake --- I don't really put any diabolical inference to it) he says, "Yeah --- our tour with Def Leppard just got cancelled ... TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" YES, Non-Reading Mother FUCKERS ..... "TOO"!!!!!!!!!

